Sales Training for Car Dealerships

Backed by the best guarantee in the business.

We have a proven track record of turning people into top performers. Plus, our training programs come with the best guarantee in the business – If an attendee is terminated or quits within 90 days of course completion, we’ll train their replacement for FREE.

How Our Training for Car Dealerships Works

Our training programs are designed to address the most common barriers to sales success and give your people the skills to overcome them. Training is more than a sales strategy; it builds confidence, a sense of team and an overall culture of professional development.

Our skills and behaviour-based approach helps your sales associates truly understand the buying and selling process. Understanding every stage of the customer journey makes it easier to anticipate what a prospect may be thinking and be prepared to respond accordingly.

We use case studies to teach by reviewing real-life situations that show the benefit of structure, process and accountability. Through the case studies, participants are introduced to new sales strategies that are easy to implement and measure.

We can accommodate groups of any size, but to ensure success, we prefer to facilitate smaller groups, so attendees can participate, interact and get the personal attention they deserve.

Our Training Approach
Our training sessions focus on applying 4 key elements to influence behaviour and improve sales performance:
Direct skills teaching focuses on giving people who struggle with a task the skills to perform the task more effectively.
Practice helps someone who has the skills but may be underperforming, develop them further to meet expected standards.
Programming helps ensure that salespeople are putting the right skills to use at the right time in the sales process to optimize their chances of converting a prospect to a sale.
Behaviour modification demonstrates that you can teach and old dog (or new one) new tricks. By modifying their current process and behaviour, sales associates can reach higher standards.
What’s Included
Professional workshop facilitation
In-depth workbook and handouts
Framed certificate of accomplishment

Our Training Seminars and Workshops

The following is a list of the available training seminars and workshops. Click the link below to learn more about each program:

  • Performance Management Workshop
    Approach 360® Performance Management is a unique and proven solution that focuses on behavior goals, outcome goals and performance specific analytics to drive increased sales.
  • 2-Day Sales Process Workshop
    We'll teach you how to align your sales process with the prospect's buying process so you can be more efficient and effective, resulting in a better customer service experience and higher sales volumes.
  • By Appointment Seminar
    Learn how to leverage the power of appointment selling. We’ll teach your people how to set more appointments, improve show ratios and increase closing ratios.
  • HR Workshop
    Discover how to minimize employee turnover by implementing a proven process for attracting and retaining quality people.

Get in Touch With Us

Take the first step toward record-setting sales volumes and closing ratios. Let’s talk about how training can help achieve your full potential.

Contact Us